French classes for expatriates in Paris
Our structured French courses help expatriates and future expatriates rapidly gain the necessary French language and social skills to communicate easily and naturally with native speakers, in any social or business situation.
Browse our French courses
Our French courses
1-on-1 private classes
Full beginner to C1.1 levels
A step-by-step 1-on-1 French learning program designed to help you confidently and purposefully manage all your daily-life social and work situations in an appropriate and natural way
4 to 6 participants
Open to A2 to B2 levels
Practice and improve your French on selected topical subjects or everyday life topics through structured and guided conversation classes with Fabienne and a small group of like-minded expats. Registration on a per week basis.
Your shortcut to French
a practical approach to French
Focus on learning and practicing the very vocabulary and concepts that will be immediately useful in your daily life and will speed up and soften the usual adjusting process to your new living and social environment.
“Why I set aside my textbooks to teach French to expatriates”a very structured pedagogy
Build fluency & confidence through structured and highly interactive face-to-face French classes and a tailored online learning platform that will help you to assimilate your new learning faster.
Discover our education approach
Certify your French skills
Value your French as a Foreign Language communication skills by preparing for and achieving the Diplôme de Compétences en Langue → for which we are authorized to train and prepare you.
You can use your Mon Compte de Formation (CPF) credits to fund part or all of our exam prep courses. Visit this page to discover all other existing financing options for our French classes.
We serve individuals, businesses and embassies
Our students are open-minded, curious and highly motivated expatriates and visitors, coming from countries all over the world.
They have various backgrounds (business executives and professionals, diplomats, entrepreneurs, MBA students, expats' spouses/partners, freelancers...). Some have already been living in France for a long time, others have just arrived.
Novexpat is registered as a training organization in Paris under number 11755750375 and has been Qualiopi certified for training activities since 2021.
Let's connect over a coffee and strategize together about how we could deploy our French courses to your foreign executives and their spouse.
While quality French courses do come with a certain cost, there are various funding options available to make our classes more accessible to you.
No matter your situation, a financial aid solution is likely at your fingertips. Whether it's a public grant, installment payments, or other options, we're here to help you find the support you need.
Read more on the available financing options