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Last update: July 2024
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Prepare for the CLOE Certification • Français Langue Étrangère

Unlock swift and precise recognition of your proficiency in French as a foreign language by preparing for and achieving the CLOE French as a Foreign Language certification. This credential is designed and administered by the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry which partners with Novexpat to help you prepare successfully for the exam.

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cloe oral examination • credits: Photo by Christina @

Valuing your French level with the CLOE certificate

zigzag french class

The CLOE certification is a professional certification specifically designed for adults professionals and validated by the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry .

The certification has been designed to meet the growing demand from employees for a professional certification solution that is both fast and accurate. The certification process can be completed entirely online at a date of your choice and lasts only 1 hour and 10 minutes. It assesses both written and spoken language skills in a professional context, following the CEFR guidelines.

Holders of a CLOE certification can demonstrate their proficiency in professional communication. For employers or recruiters, CLOE FLE certification serves as a guarantee of their employees' or candidates' French as a Foreign Language skills, thanks to a comprehensive evaluation with detailed results for each competency according to the CEFR.

Our training programs, which include preparation and exam presentation for CLOE, are eligible for funding through the Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF).

Compétences Linguistiques Orales et Écrites – CLOE FLE Logo


The CLOE French as a Foreign Language is a professional certification listed in the « Répertoire Spécifique » of France Compétences.

Name of the certification

Code RS

Certifying Authority

Registration Date

Certification CLOE français langue étrangère


CCI France


The CLOE FLE in a nutshell

The CLOE examination is a 1h10 online assessment of written language proficiency and a remote oral evaluation.

The written section of the examination relies on a database of over 700 calibrated questions according to the CEFR framework (A1 to C2), with variations for each sub-level (A1-, A1, A1+,..). The test is adaptive, meaning that questions are presented to the candidate based on an algorithm and their responses.

For the oral part, the jury uses a questioning tool (standard questions, texts, and situational scenarios) to assess the candidate's ability to communicate verbally.

zigzag french class

Designed for A2 to C2 levels

The test is adaptive and will continuously adjust to your French level. However, we will assist you in reaching the specific level you need or want to achieve. You will have access to a dedicated platform to prepare for the CLOE exam.

zigzag french class
zigzag french class

Take you exam online, whenever you are available

We will schedule your exam session at the most convenient time for you. You will have up to 30 days to take the exam and finalize both written and oral sections of it. Your results are known about just 3 days after your examination is complete.

zigzag french class
zigzag french class

A lifetime certificate

The CLOE certificate has no expiration date. Once you obtain it, it's yours to keep indefinitely! You can proudly display it on your LinkedIn profile and share it with both your current and future employers.

Preparing for the CLOE exam through our French classes

We are officially allowed to prepare you for the CLOE exam through our FrenchUp Courses and the FrenchBooster Program.

novexpat is accredited to prepare you to the CLOE exam

We will explain you in details the conditions of the exams and you will be trained through prep CLOE tests via a dedicated platform with specific contents for this matter. You will know how to maximize your chances to get the best result out of the exam. Some of your sessions will be dedicated to the exam preparation and to train you on your main difficulties.

If you prepare for the CLOE FLE examination and work in France, you may be able to use your Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF) credits to help you finance your preparation classes with us.

lead engineering team Fabienne and Pierre-Yves, co-founders of novexpat

Start to prepare for the CLOE FLE now

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