Pourquoi j’ai laissé tomber mes manuels pour enseigner le Français Langue Étrangère (FLE)

Pourquoi j’ai laissé tomber mes manuels pour enseigner le Français Langue Étrangère (FLE)

Je suis enseignante de FLE depuis 8 ans. Pendant près de 5 années, j’ai enseigné au sein d’Alliances Françaises en Espagne et en Italie, de l’Institut Français de Madrid et d’autres structures plus confidentielles. Pour préparer et animer mes cours, j’ai eu souvent recours à des manuels de FLE dont je m’inspirais tant pour la progression pédagogique proposée que pour les contenus sélectionnés. Même si j’ai bien sûr nourri des préférences pour certaines approches, je dois bien dire que les manuels de FLE se sont révélés être des outils pertinents et efficaces.

Il y a 4 ans, j’ai choisi de rentrer en France et de venir enseigner le FLE à Paris. J’y ai travaillé quelque temps pour l’Institut Catholique, l’Alliance Française et des agences de langues impliquées dans l’enseignement du français auprès des professionnels expatriés. J’y ai souvent eu la chance d’enseigner à des étudiants particulièrement volontaires et motivés par leur apprentissage car mus par une sincère envie de comprendre et de s’intégrer dans ce contexte socio-culturel parisien.

J’ai ainsi ressenti à quel point enseigner une langue avec les yeux tournés vers la France ou le monde francophone ne relève pas des mêmes méthodes que lorsque l’étudiant est plongé au coeur même de l’action.

Nouvelle à Paris, comme la plupart d’entre eux, je pouvais d’autant mieux percevoir que ce contexte recelait de spécificités dans les sujets de conversations, les centre d'intérêts et le mode de vie affiché des Parisiens. Les façons de parler, les références culturelles qui égrainent toutes les conversations, les manières d’entrer en contact : autant de réalités qui affectent l’usage même de la langue. Il me semblait alors évident que je devais aider mes étudiants dans leur objectif d’intégration en concentrant mes efforts sur la transmission d'un français adapté à cette diversité des réalités et des situations de la vie Parisienne.

Mais comment faire ? Les manuels de FLE, fidèles compagnons - par choix ou non -, se révélèrent, dans ce contexte, d’aucun secours. En suivant leur progression et en utilisant leurs contenus durant la classe, je ne parvenais qu’à enseigner un français absolu, technique, sans âme, trop indirectement connecté à la réalité à laquelle se confrontaient tous les jours mes étudiants en dehors de la classe. Ces outils qui semblaient fonctionner à l'étranger manquaient ici de pertinence et de réalisme. Pire, je ne parvenais pas vraiment à faire gagner en confiance et en aisance mes étudiants dans leurs interactions quotidiennes.

J’ai ainsi ressenti à quel point enseigner une langue avec les yeux tournés vers la France ou le monde francophone ne relève pas des mêmes méthodes que lorsque l’étudiant est plongé au coeur même de l’action. Et il perdait ainsi de son sens que les manuels de FLE puissent rester le fil rouge de l’apprentissage.

Des livres ouverts et authentiques dans lesquels puiser mon inspiration.

En fermant le livre de FLE, j’ai regardé autour de moi. J’ai commencé à observer et écouter attentivement les Parisiens au travail, en soirée, en famille ou en vacances, tels des livres ouverts et authentiques dans lesquels puiser mon inspiration.

Toutes ces situations du quotidien sont devenues mes nouvelles références pour baliser un programme d’enseignement de la langue et de la culture françaises actualisé et centré sur le vécu de l’apprenant dans son nouvel environnement.

Certes, cette petite révolution pédagogique nécessite un travail de fond considérable pour l’élaboration des curriculums et la création des contenus. Le jeu en vaut pourtant la chandelle ! Je constate auprès de mes étudiants une appropriation plus rapide de la langue et des codes culturels français, mais aussi - et c’est sans doute lié - une sincère satisfaction de porter un regard neuf, curieux et plus affûté sur leur environnement d'adoption.

Fabienne Defaux

Présidente, Coordinatrice pédagogique et professeure At novexpat

Fabienne est ingénieure pédagogique et professeur de FLE pour expatriés depuis plus de 11 ans. Elle est examinatrice au CIEP. Elle a travaillé dans plusieurs instituts de langues à l'étranger et à Paris, dont l'Alliance Française et l'Institut Français. Elle est co-fondatrice de novexpat et est à l'origine de la méthode novexpat utilisée pour nos cours de français.

Improving your French starts with an efficient learning plan.
What's yours?

Allow you a free 20-minute call with Fabienne, our co-founder and French teaching lead at novexpat, to boost your learning plan. Her agenda is open to you right down below 👇

You can trust us. And check client word.

Review from Chris Lyons

Chris L.

  • 5.0

plus de 4 ans ago

I really can't say enough good things about Novexpat. Over my ~5 years in Paris, I studied at multiple schools, meetups, etc. Novexpat was the best by far! Everything I was taught was super relevant, practical, and immediately useful. My only regret is that I didn't start studying with them sooner! If you want to get results quickly, study with Novexpat!

Review from Pallavi Choudhury

Pallavi C.

  • 5.0

environ 3 ans ago

A great 8 weeks of improving French! Lessons and resources are simply amazing! Fabienne is amazing with tons of experience and thought given to imparting the lessons!

Review from Kyoko Yamashita

Kyoko Y.

  • 5.0

presque 4 ans ago

I recommend Novexpat for those who want to learn living French! Fabienne taught us not only grammar but also many expressions that are frequently used on a daily basis among French. This helped me a lot and boosted my French level a lot :) Worth trying!

Review from Yamelis Hosein

Yamelis H.

  • 5.0

plus de 2 ans ago

The french booster program with NovExpat was excellent. During the duration of the course we were taught lots of French idiomatic expression used in daily life for different topics, which not only helps to communicate better, but to understand as well. The Neo platform is the best, as you can learn and practice at your own. The classes are very dynamic. The groups are small. Thank you Fabienne and keep up the amazing work!

Review from Emilie Hanlet

Emilie H.

  • 5.0

environ 3 ans ago

A fun and interactive way to learn or improve your French. I enjoyed taking the 8-week long intensive French Booster with it's online platform that has many exercises to review what you learned in class. I also enjoy the small things like the weekly email French Expresso. Thank you Fabienne for a wonderful experience and for all of the help and guidance you've provided.

Review from Molly Pisula

Molly P.

  • 5.0

presque 4 ans ago

Highly recommend the Novexpat FrenchBooster class! Fabienne is knowledgeable and so supportive, and the small class size is ideal for learning and practicing conversation. The online component is also very useful and well done. Excellent class!

Review from Michele Silvestri

Michele S.

  • 5.0

plus de 2 ans ago

Extremely happy with the program! Very practical and able to use the skills immediately.

Review from Lili Pencheva

Lili P.

  • 5.0

presque 2 ans ago

"Novexpat can offer French courses to suit all levels and they are led by very enthusiastic tutors. The learning methods can be tailored to suit individual learning objectives and include a wide range of sources. Whether you are looking for a structured or a more informal means of improving your proficiency in the French language, I would have no hesitation in recommending Novexpat. I have made a lot of progress, and highly increased my confidence. She is highly professional and has very thorough knowledge of French language."

Review from Sarah Rossiter

Sarah R.

  • 5.0

5 mois ago

I loved my tutor and my French improved quickly. I highly recommend this program if you are an expat moving to France at any level of French. I worked only online and loved the flexibility but you can meet in person too.

Review from Brian Gifford

Brian G.

  • 5.0

2 mois ago

Our instructor Giulia helped us quickly improve our written and spoken French, and also teaches us how to use local and common idioms and mistakes to avoid. The in-person lessons are very thorough and useful, but taught in a way that is patient, friendly, engaging and fun.

Review from Erin Odwyer

Erin O.

  • 5.0

environ un an ago

This program is perfect for a beginner. The structure and the pace are wonderful. I was a complete beginner, and I have made lots of progress. Lily is an amazing teacher. I can't recommend this program enough.

Review from Haley Sorensen

Haley S.

  • 5.0

plus de 5 ans ago

I have loved my one-on-one classes with Novexpat! I feel like Fabienne really understands my level and with one-on-one classes she really takes the time to make sure I understand the new material before moving on, or if I already know a part of the lesson we are able to move along faster than if in a classroom environment with many other students. She is extremely patient and allows me to ask as many questions as I wish and also makes me feel extremely comfortable and confident. The learning style behind Novexpat is very practical as the material you learn caters to everyday life and phrases/concepts you can put to use immediately. I also really enjoy the online app and learning platform to help study, it’s very convenient that it is specified to each individual lesson. I am so grateful that I discovered Novexpat!

Review from Helen Dole

Helen D.

  • 5.0

environ 3 ans ago

As a veteran teacher myself, I love how the lessons were structured in Novexpat. I always felt like the learning was focused on useful and relevant material. In addition, I'm a mom of two toddlers so the flexible scheduling of the courses (during naptime!) was super helpful. I have made a lot of progress in my French language skills and I'm excited to take another course with Novexpat.

Review from Roberto M

Roberto M.

  • 5.0

presque 2 ans ago

I took the eight-week french booster course with Fabienne - a very positive and helpful experience all around for an immigrant trying to make his way in France, and, particularly, Paris.

Review from Rachel Toaff-Rosenstein

Rachel T.

  • 5.0

plus de 2 ans ago

I am very pleased that I took the 8 week French Booster course with Novexpat. I really enjoyed the structure of the small-group participatory lessons, the accompanying website and homework, my classmates, Fabienne (the teacher) and of course the results: greater confidence not only in written and spoken French but also tips and tricks for fitting in to life in Paris.

Review from Jonas Wenke

Jonas W.

  • 5.0

plus d'un an ago

Took a beginner conversational class and had a great time learning with you guys. Lily did a great job making me speak a lot and helping me improve along the way. Can recommend!

Review from Adrienne Dunn

Adrienne D.

  • 5.0

environ 3 ans ago

I cannot recommend Fabienne's class more! She is a true delight. Moreover, the webapp NEO is useful and attractive with exercises you can do and do again, and again. Because of the pandemic, I took the course online, but have no regrets. I feel as though I received the full learning experience. Trust me, I have taken many French classes (in 3 different countries and 4 cities), and this is the only class I recommend. Enroll and Enjoy.

Review from Kelley Patten

Kelley P.

  • 5.0

plus de 2 ans ago

Fabienne and the Novexpat program are absolutely phenomenal! I came into the program as a complete beginner speaking no French at all, and even after 6 months I was able to go to Paris and communicate in shops, restaurants, etc. Having taken other more traditional (i.e. book-based) courses with other languages, I have to say my comprehension and ability to speak has progressed much more rapidly that I could have hoped. Also, Fabienne is a join to work with and learn from. Highly recommend taking any of the courses available!

Review from Holly Stiener

Holly S.

  • 5.0

plus de 3 ans ago

I have been taking the course for several weeks and it is helping me improve my French so much. The online classes are small and the structure allows for you to practice what you are learning conversationally. For reference I am level B1. Fabienne is very patient and really knows how to teach! Highly recommend!!!

Review from Andrea Davis

Andrea D.

  • 5.0

plus de 5 ans ago

Learning French turns out to be a travel adventure. Fabienne’s classes are shaped with a definite structure that covers all the relevant subjects I want to be able to communicate about, but she makes it feel flexible, and adapted to those of us in the room. It’s been really fun, and funny to be there—lots of humor and popular culture and learning about French movies and Parisienne mindset. It’s the kind of class you go to, and then want to keep studying with her. She’s always in good spirits and very encouraging.

Review from Anna Esquivel

Anna E.

  • 5.0

15 jours ago

I highly recommend Novexpat! Cecile, my French teacher, was very patient and supportive. She explained things clearly and had a gentle teaching style, which was especially helpful for someone who struggles with languages. I also appreciated learning French in cafes instead of classrooms. Also, the co-founders did an excellent job with my course and exam registration and follow-up. All around a pleasant experience!

Review from Wubke Willemsen

Wubke W.

  • 5.0

presque 5 ans ago

Sign up for the FrenchBooster programme, I garantee you'll have a great experience! I loved my time with Novexpat as I feel comfortable now to speak french thanks to Fabiënne!

Review from Sara Picon Camacho

Sara C.

  • 5.0

10 mois ago

I had a great experience with Novexpat and I highly recommened. The teacher and the staff are all very nice and helpful making the experience of learning french really enjoyable and efficient. Xhat I like the most is the way the lessons are organised in different sections that are interconnected to ech other, really helping to fix and retain the grammar and vocabulary. I feel that I have really improved my French thanks to Novexpat and I feel more confident! Many thanks!

Review from Holly Kuper

Holly K.

  • 5.0

environ 4 ans ago

I learned SO much. I have been studying for 3 years and this was the most useful for everyday life. I heard about Novexpat through a friend. The first day I was given words one could use when meeting someone new. I thought how silly. I've been meeting new people for 3 years. But these phrases and words were not how I had been introducing myself. What a difference this class made. I felt more french and more confident with each lesson. Each week I learned useful everyday words and expressions that I used the minute I left the class. Fabienne is patient and kind and the material is clear and interactive.

Review from Robyn Kaplan

Robyn K.

  • 5.0

2 mois ago

The experience has been perfect. Great one-on-one instruction paired with just the right amount of challenging material. Not too easy and not too difficult. The instructor (Guilia: aka the best!) ensures slowing or picking up the pace where ever it's needed. I highly recommend.

Review from Marta March

Marta M.

  • 5.0

environ 3 ans ago

I absolutely recommend this program! - it is not only a French course, it is also a discovery trip to understand better French culture, you learn a lot of interesting things along the way! Fabienne is super energetic and generates a very positive vibe in the group! I did not find especially remarkable the tool while on the course, but once we finished, it has been great to be able to review the vocabulary, to go through the recommended material that I did not have the chance to explore then... Congrats Fabienne & Pierre for such a nice program!

Review from Jamora Crawford

Jamora C.

  • 5.0

3 jours ago

Novexpat is wonderful. My two teachers, Fabienne and Cecile were gentle and patient with me. I had bad experiences in the past where I felt too uncomfortable to speak and try in French but not here. The French Booster was so fun and helpful in learning more vocabulary for my daily life in France. I will be taking French Up soon to further improve my French. I highly recommend Novexpat!

Review from Phoebe Lau

Phoebe L.

  • 5.0

3 mois ago

I really enjoy Novexpat's French classes. From the first 20-minutes meeting up until completing the first 30h FrenchUp course, my French teacher, Fabienne, a co-founder of Novexpat, encouraged me so much in terms of learning French. She made me not to be afraid of expressing myself in French. The vocabularies of each topics are super useful and practical in daily life. I am much more confident in speaking French.

Review from Justina Forest

Justina F.

  • 5.0

plus de 3 ans ago

I really enjoyed learning french with Fabienne (Novexpat)! The conversation courses, they provide, are very well structured, topics explained in an easy way! Learning new phrases and taking them into a practise directly during the course made them to sit in my head:). Friendly and enjoyable learning with a great teacher! Courses were even more effective thanks to the teachers skills to master “zoom”and their interactive french learning web (Novexpat) for practicing learned topics afterwards. Great job for the teacher and the students! Hope to see you in 2021! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻

Review from Saskia Nuschke

Saskia N.

  • 5.0

plus de 3 ans ago

They are super nice and their concept works amazingly well. Fabienne completely understood my needs and I have progressed extremely well in the last three months - plus, it was fun! Can’t stress enough how highly I recommend them 😊

Review from Rebeca Ruano Acosta

Rebeca A.

  • 5.0

environ 3 ans ago

Very positive experience. The course is really well structured. My main objective was to improve my oral French in normal day to day situations. This was extremely well covered. The classes are divided by subject which makes them very interesting and immediately useful. I could feel my confidence to speak French increase with every lesson. The teacher, Fabienne, is amazing and the duration of the lessons is perfect with a short break and lots of practice time. The platform Neo is also full of resources and available during and after the course. Extremely happy!

Review from Heather Jacobs

Heather J.

  • 5.0

plus de 5 ans ago

Fabienne and the NovExpat team are changing the way people learn French. Her methods go far beyond teaching grammar and conjugations; they teach you the living language - that which is most relevant to adapting and integrating into the French culture. I can’t say enough about how much and how quickly I learned - and how enjoyable the lessons have been! I see Fabienne for private lessons now but the French Booster course was so good, I plan to take it a second time!

Review from Francis Tseng

Francis T.

  • 5.0

11 jours ago

I found the program to be fun and engaging. I especially enjoyed the discussion we had, being able to ask questions, and the subjects the course covered. In general it was good practice for speaking; I recommend it if you want to have a bit of routine practice and expand your vocabulary.

Review from Simone Slifman

Simone S.

  • 5.0

plus de 3 ans ago

Fabienne's lunchtime online conversation course is a great way to build upon and challenge your existing skills. The small group, friendly atmosphere, and online review tools are really helpful. Fabienne is extremely patient and well-prepared, and knows how to keep things on track to ensure everyone has an opportunity to participate. I highly recommend Novexpat!

Review from merve alsan

merve a.

  • 5.0

plus d'un an ago

I joined the French Booster program and it was really a rich learning experience! As I'm not a beginner it's not as easy to find courses or content that can help me get to that next level of living in France without stressing about French but I really improved a lot in 2 months. Even my friends and colleagues in France told me that they noticed a big difference. The Neo platform and the overall management of the course is super professional and well-prepared as well. Fabienne is always very kind and thoughtful. She goes above and beyond to make sure everyone gets the most from their time at the course. It was also very lovely to meet other students and find people that I can continue practicing together. I definitely recommend!

Review from Janet Ma

Janet M.

  • 5.0

environ 3 ans ago

I really loved my French course. It was useful and fun with a structured approach where I actually felt like I learned something every class. I was also able to put it to use immediately and I also recognized the phrases in every day life immediately as well. I could relate to my colleagues at work better and gave me more confidence to speak. Highly recommend!

Review from Oleksii Liakhovetskyi

Oleksii L.

  • 5.0

4 mois ago

Great experience with Novexpat . Overall very professional organization, with the individual approach. Their FrenchUp course is tailor made and suits well my needs in terms of flexible scheduling as well as tailormade program. Also the support with DCL exam preparation was very helpful, and the result was better than I expected. I will continue with Novexpat next year

Review from Dhruv Kumar

Dhruv K.

  • 5.0

5 mois ago

I had a great experience with Novexpat as they helped me prepare for my DCL exam! In a nutshell, it was amazing, timely, comprehensive, personal! Big kudos to the team - Fabienne, Pierre-Yves, and most importantly Cécile, my teacher - for their professionalism and flexibility given my complicated agendas. 10/10 recommend their services for anyone wanting to improve their French! 🙂

Review from Felicia-Claudia Cimpanu

Felicia-Claudia C.

  • 5.0

presque 3 ans ago

I followed the FrenchUp program. The combination of online courses and face to face (on Zoom) teaching worked perfectly for me. Plus, the program was very flexible, and the teacher adapted the courses to my level. It was what I needed to build up confidence and upgrade my French knowledge.

Review from Joni L Middleton

Joni M.

  • 5.0

plus de 4 ans ago

"5/5. Incredible! Very practical and helpful. My French friends have commented on my increased language confidence."

Review from Pierre Canel

Pierre C.

  • 5.0

environ un an ago

(Translated by Google) Great site to learn French. The method, the enthusiasm of the teachers, the novelty... everything is there to create the perfect atmosphere to be motivated and progress in learning the language. We love it 🥰 (Original) Súper site pour apprendre le français. La méthode, l’enthousiasme des profs, la nouveauté… tout est là pour créer une ambiance parfaite pour être motivé et progresser dans l’apprentissage de la langue. On adore 🥰

Review from Naheed

Naheed N.

  • 5.0

presque 2 ans ago

I really enjoyed my Novexpat program and found it invaluable! With my very motivated teacher, we followed a program mixed with discussion & formal courseware on their custom platform. The courses cover vocabulary, grammar, verbs & conjugation (in a fun way!) and also include day to day jargon as well as cultural soundbites on films, music etc to help you not only learn the language, but the culture too. :)

Review from Yasemin Sahiner

Yasemin S.

  • 5.0

plus de 3 ans ago

'Classes with Fabienne are incredibly useful and pleasant at the same time. Weekly conversation classes give just the right amount of push to help even the people on busy schedules to gain confidence. Through-out the well structured lessons one has the occasion to put French into practice and hold conversations of various lengths and complexities with like-minded people. Novexpat founders and their team are very open and warm. The diligent and vibrant team, while putting relentless effort in always keeping-up with the innovative methods to cater for the enthusiasts of French culture, gives precious cultural insights for a swift and smooth integration.

Review from Sierra Parker

Sierra P.

  • 5.0

plus d'un an ago

This was a great experience for me. There are lots of things that can be tough when moving to a new country, and two of them are culture and language. This was a chance for me to learn about French culture while improving my language skills, while also learning with a patient and kind teacher.

Review from Mina Ghent

Mina G.

  • 5.0

plus de 3 ans ago

I participate in the French conversation classes which are an hour each for 2 days a week. You have the flexibility to choose Mon/Thurs or Tues/Fri. Fabienne is a great teacher and hosts a class which has a good balance of structured learning in 'every day' French (focusing on a specific topic each time) and giving us all an opportunity to talk in class. All in all very enjoyable and practical. Highly recommended!

Review from Dmitry Ponomarenko

Dmitry P.

  • 5.0

4 mois ago

Great courses for enhancing your Française! Dedicated team of language coaches. Good spirit and nice location next to Les Halles.

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